2024 Parish Council

President: Al Roechner
Vice President: George Griparis
Treasurer: John George
Secretary: Gregory Kontos
1st Assistant Treasurer: Tom Thiakos
- 2nd Assistant Treasurer: Vic Carusi
Council Members:
Nick Andretitch, Mark Anthos, Andy Bellos, Mike Haywood, Mary Schmidt
Qualifications to be a Candidate for the Parish Council
1. Must be spiritually, canonically, and financially in good standing.
a. Spiritually: Attend divine services regularly and receive sacraments; uphold the teachings and traditions of the Church.
b. Canonically: If married, married in the Orthodox Church. If divorced, have and ecclesiastical divorce. Must live his/her life and activities in accordance with the faith and canons of the Church.
c. Financially: Must be a member of the Parish for at least one year immediately preceding the date of elections.
2. Must attend the Parish Council seminar, date to be determined, and be willing to take the following Oath of Office:
"I, solemnly affirm that I will uphold the dogmas, teachings, traditions, holy canons, discipline, worship and moral principles of the Greek Orthodox Church, as well as the Charter and Regulations of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America, and that I will fulfill faithfully and sincerely the duties and obligations required of a member of the Parish Council. So help me God."
Additional Responsibilities
1. Participate in the sacramental life of the Church, thereby setting an example for the parish, to collect the revenue of the Church and to administer the affairs of the parish in such a manner as to aid the Priest in the fulfillment of its aims and purposes.
2. After appropriate discussion, support and cooperate with all majority decisions of the Parish Council.
Additional information about the roles and responsibilities of the Parish Council is provided by the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese in the Parish Council Guidebook
The Greek Orthodox Metropolis of Chicago also provides online training seminars for parish council members and Church leaders.