The priest's responsibilities are not limited to presiding over services in the sanctuary. There are many times that it is appropriate to call upon the priest to offer prayers in our homes, businesses, or in times of great need. Below is a guide on some of these occasions, though it is not meant to be exhaustive. If you are in need of a pastoral visitation, please contact the church office, or schedule an appointment directly with Fr. Anastasios through Google Calendar

In Times of Sickness and Death

Sickness: If you or someone in your family is sick enough to be checked-in to the hospital, you should contact the priest to ask for a visit and prayer. He may anoint you with the Sacrament of Holy Unction; if the illness is life threatening he may also hear your Confession and offer you the sacrament of Holy Communion. If you are planning a surgery, please contact the priest in advance of your operation so that he can offer prayers with you and anoint you as well.

Impending death: Contact the priest immediately - day or night (after seeking emergency service), so that he can come and offer prayers and the sacraments. 

Death: If a loved one has died, contact the priest immediately - day or night, so that he can come and offer the customary trisagion service at the place where the death has ocured.


Pregnancy: Contact the priest so that he can bless the mother and keep her perpetually in his prayers. 

Miscarriage:  If you have suffered a miscarriage contact the priest so that the customary prayers of healing for the mother and the repose of the infant can be read.

Birth: When the baby is born contact the Priest so he can be present to recite the customary prayers for the protection and safety of the Mother on the day of birth. Additional prayers will be read on the eighth day after birth, and again after forty days. If at any time the infant's health begins to fail, contact the priest immediately - day or night (after seeking emergency services) so that an emergency baptism can be performed. 

Other Occasions

Blessing of Homes and Businesses: Homes and businesses are often blessed annually in January following the feast of Theophany (Jan. 6). However, special care is taken to bless new homes and businesses throughout the year.

New Cars: While cars are essential to modern life, we recognize their danger, so we encourage the faithful to bless them annually, as we do our homes in January, or whenever we acquire a new one.

Blessing before travel: You are invited to request the customary prayers before embarking on travel. Such requests can be made following regular church services. 

Theological & Moral Questions: Any time you have questions concerning the Orthodox faith, life, or simply need someone to talk to, it is always appropriate to approach the Priest.

Pastoral Counseling: While the Priest is not a licensed counselor, he is available to individuals, couples, or families who seek the clarity and wisdom of the Church as it applies to difficult circumstances in their lives.