
Entry into the Orthodox Church takes place in the manner described by Christ in the Gospel: "Therefore, go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all I have commanded you, and behold, I am with you until the close of the age, Amen" (Mt. 28:19-20). Through Baptism, we are forgiven our sins, united to Christ, "grafted in" (Rom. 11:17) to the communion of the saints, and become "children of God" (Rom. 8:16) . Through subsequent Chrismation, we are anointed into the life of the Holy Spirit as the disciples were at Pentecost, and we receive the Seal of Gift of the Holy Spirit into our hearts.

Members wishing to baptize their infants should contact the church so that the Priest can be present to offer the traditional blessings on the day of birth, on the 8th day, and after 40 days (entry into the Church).  Infants can be baptized anytime after their 40 day blessing. We recommend that children are baptized with as little delay as possible, ideally well before their first birthday. 

Adults wishing to join the Orthodox Church are invited to attend Divine Liturgy without approaching to receive the Sacraments as they spend a period of time  before committing to reception by either Baptism or Chrismation. Whether you are simply interested in learning about the ancient Orthodox Faith, or are seriously considering committing your life to Christ in the Orthodox Church, we invite you to come join us, and learn more.

For baptisms, the sponsor (who must be an Orthodox Christian in good standing) typically provides:

  • Gold Cross 
  • White baptismal outfit
  • Baptismal candle
  • White Sheet (unfitted)
  • Large White Bath Towel
  • 2 White hand towels
  • Bar of Soap
  • Small bottle of olive oil


As we progress through life, each of us falls short of the perfection that God desires for us. The Sacrament of Confession is the renewal of our baptismal purity, despite our repeated stumblings. It is encouraged for Orthodox Christians to regularly partake of the Sacrament of Confession as a tool to exercise repentance, but also so that we are in a constant state of readiness to receive Holy Communion. The Sacrament of Confession employs the strictest principles of confidentiality between the priest and the penitent.

If you would like to participate in the Sacrament of Confession, you can schedule a time through google calendar or by contacting the church office.


The sacrament of marriage is granted to a man and woman who desire to unite their lives to one another. It is a sacramental union of one man and one woman into "one flesh" (Mk. 10:8). 

Weddings must be scheduled well in advance by contacting the Church office. Please contact us before booking banquet halls, photographers, etc to be sure of availability. In the Orthodox Church, weddings are celebrated on Saturday or Sunday only. Weddings cannot be celebrated during the great fasts of the Church including Great Lent/Holy Week,  Pentecost, Theophany (January 5-6), the Dormition Fast (August 1-15), the Beheading of St. John the Baptist (August 29), the Exaltation of the Cross (September 14), and The Nativity Fast (December 13-25).

Both, husband and wife must be Christians baptized into a Trinitarian Christian denomination. At least one spouse must be a practicing Orthodox Christian in good standing with an Orthodox parish. Prior to marriage, the couple will be expected to complete pre-marital counseling with the Priest

Prior to the wedding, the couple will work with the Priest to ensure their good standing to be married and to procure a Wedding License from the Metropolis of Chicago. Couples must also procure a Civil Wedding License from the Will County Clerk within 60 days prior to their scheduled wedding date. In addition, the couple provides (traditionally gold) wedding bands, stephana (crowns) and a silver tray. 

A Koumbaros, or Wedding sponsor must also be selected who is an Orthodox Christian in good standing. Ideally the koumbaros is not immediate family. In the case of a married couple, they may serve as sponsors together.